Boost Your College Applications

Boost Your College Applications

No matter whether a student is earning straight “As” while taking rigorous AP/IB courses or hovering nearer a B average in general high school classes, participating in the right extracurricular activities can boost their college applications.

High school freshmen and sophomores should explore a variety of clubs and organizations to discover which ones are a good fit for their strengths, abilities and interest areas, and then commit to two or three to expand their knowledge, gain leadership skills, and achieve a specific goal during the remainder of their high school years. While juniors do not have the luxury of sampling a variety of options, they can still enhance their opportunities by purposefully engaging in extracurricular activities. For students interested in business, for example, joining Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is one way to learn more about business; to improve communication, presentation, and teamwork skills; and to network with other students and business professionals through state, regional, and national competitions and conferences.

Participating in strategically-chosen clubs and volunteering regularly within the community can help students learn more about themselves and their intended fields of study Such involvements also offer personal growth opportunity and memorable experiences to write college essays about that are authentic and insightful – essays that will add value to their college applications.

It is with those goals in mind that CPSi develops a strategic plan and recommends specific involvements for each of our students.

Photo credit: NASA Johnson Space Center

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